Ycal york chiller manual manual#
Renewal PaRts aIR-COOleD lIQUID CHIlleRs HeRMetIC sCROll Supercedes: 150.67-RP1 (310) Form: 150. YORK® YCAL Air Cooled Chiller Specs Brand: YORK® Model: YCAL Type: Air Cooled Tons: 15-65 Voltage: 50-225 Compressor: SCROLL Refrigerant: HFC-410A Manual Description YORK® YCAL air-cooled scroll chillers provide chilled water for all air conditioning applications using central station air handling or terminal units. They are completely self-contained and are designed to be located outside on the roof of a building or at ground level.

YORK air-cooled chillers offer flexibility, speed, and efficient solutions. YORK Millennium Model YCAL Style C Air-Cooled Scroll Chiller Engineering Guide (Form 150.62-EG1) YCAL0014 YCAL0030 YCAL0070 - YCAL0134 10 - 30 and 70 130 TON 35 - 105 and 246 456 kW 60 Hz R-22 & HFC-407C FORM 150.

If there is any question in the mind of operating/ service personnel as to the applicability of these documents, then, prior to working on the equip-ment, they should verify with the owner, whether the equipment has been modified and if the current litera-ture is available. YCAL-SB Millennium AIR COOLED LIQUID CHILLER R407C REFRIGERANT COOLING CAPACITIES 141 kW to 360 kW YORK YCAL-SB Millennium air cooled scroll liquid chillers provide chilled liquid for all air conditioning applications. The YCAL provides chilled water for all air conditioning applications using. Pgina 1 FORM 150.64-EG1 (505) AIR-COOLED SCROLL CHILLERS STYLE D YCAL0041 YCAL0065 50 AND.
Ycal york chiller manual update#
While Johnson Controls makes no commitment to update or provide current information automatically to the manu-al user, that information, if applicable, can be obtained by contacting the nearest Johnson Controls Engineered Systems Service is the responsibility of operating/service personnel as to the applicability of these documents to the equip-ment in question. Resumen del Contenido de manual de usuario para York YCAL0065. The heater provides freeze protection for the cooler down to -29☌ ambient. AVAILABLE MODELS & NOMINAL COOLING CAPACITIESTABLE 1 Cooler The cooler is equipped with a heater controlled by a separate thermostat. Renewal PaRtsaIR-COOleD lIQUID CHIlleRsHeRMetIC sCROllSupercedes: (310)Form: (511)MODels YCal0019, 0022, 0028, 0033, 0043, 0046, 0052,0056, anD 00380/415-5046 0-3-6 MODELS ONLYR-410A15 - 60 TON53 - 218 Kw50Hz and 60Hz50091stYle "e"Issue Date:JOHNSON CONTROLS2 FORM (511)ISSUE DATE In complying with Johnson Controls policy for con-tinuous improvement, the information contained in this document is subjected to change without notice. Cooling Capacity (kW) 277 306 340 360 Cooling capacities at 7 ☌ leaving chilled liquid and 35 ☌ ambient.